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Demon's Souls Remake Review


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Demon's Souls Remake Changes

  • Two performance modes: Players can choose cinematic mode which offers native 4K with 30 fps, or performance mode offering 4K with 60 fps for “smoother animation”.
  • Character and enemy models have been reworked
  • The Remake version will feature a new weapon called Reaper Scythe, as part of the Pre-order bonus. There are also other weapons, items and armor that are not in the original
  • The Remake is also enhancing the Online experience, bringing the multiplayer number from 4 players to 6 players, similarly to what was done with the Dark Souls Remaster.
  • Carry Capacity: Another key change will be encumbrance, in the original the amount of healing grass consumables a player could carry were in the hundreds, with no real punishment. However in the remake it will limit the supply available, as well as more powerful versions such a Full Moon Grass, will weigh more than the less potent versions. This means you’re going to think twice about how much you keep in your inventory especially when to comes to PVP, giving more balance to fights.
  • Fasting Loading Times: The experience of playing on a brand new console will mean a different experience when it comes loading times. PS5 boasts faster loading time with the use of SSD, Moore ensure you will “no longer have to wait three minutes for the game to load after you’ve died,” meaning you can jump right back in it and alleviate at least some of the frustration when it comes to dying. Moore shared in an interview with Gamespot that there is now “instantaneous loading from the nexus into a level”.
  • New haptic feedback from the DualSense controller, this gives a whole new experience as you gain new visual, audio and feel to the game: "when you do a parry, you feel it in your hands before you kind of visually see it, and it’s that split-second reaction time, it gives you that little edge that you need, that can actually make the game slightly easier than people think"

  • New Photo Mode: The game features a photo mode with many different filters
  • Original soundtrack was recorded digitally only, so the remake rerecorded the soundtrack with a full orchestra consisting of 120 members, with a score by Shunsuke Kida. There was also a full choir, complete with pipe organ.
  • Pure Bladestone drop rate has been adjusted.
  • Omnidirectional rolling: One improvement that gets a modern update is the addition of omnidirectional moves, players can roll in eight directions oppose to the original four. This will change a lot to how players handle situations, and adds a “quality-of-life improvements to the game that people expect.”
  • New Difficulty: While there isn’t levels of difficulty, you can still face a further challenge by taking on Fractured Mode. This mode will throw your world a little chaos by mirroring the world and reversing the map.

Demon's Souls Official Website

Official JP website
Demon's Souls is an IP developed by Sony & Fromsoftware, that brought back the medieval setting of the King's Field series. Announced as a Playstation 3 exclusive at TGS 2008, the game bought Fromsoftware & Sony Japan studios

The game is an Action RPG with focus on strategic combat choices, offering melee and ranged mechanics as well as magic gameplay. Featuring character customization, online components and deep RPG concepts, the game kickstarted a new genre, referred to as "Soulsborne" series.


 Demon's Souls Gameplay Concepts


We have five key criteria on which the difficulty level is judged. We want any player to be able to clear any obstacle simply by learning from mistakes and paying close attention. Then, the reasons for failure must always be clear and understandable. Every problem must have multiple solutions, so that players can tackle it whichever way they want. The game’s controls can never be a factor from which difficulty is derived. And finally, we want to make sure that there’s the possibility for miracles to happen; those magical moments that spread stories outside of the confines of the game world.


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    • Anonymous

      Behold the most experimental and daring title that laid the fundation of a well-established series! Created upon the sprinkles of fossilized bone dust left by King's Field legacy, the opressing atmosphere in this thrilling adventure will leave you in awe wandering the desolated mazes that once were filled with life. Obscure mechanics involving world tendency, almost no checkpoints, PvP so unbalanced that it ends up being hilarious, methodic and satisfying combat that has weight to every action you commit, sinister and good-hearted NPCs, convoluted questlines, gimmick bosses that act as puzzles to be solved and extremely punishing levels (this becomes more evident on NG plus). Considering most of these issues were adressed in later entries, back in the day it was such a strange phenomenon that even the Sony leader at the time couldn't even fully grasp calling it a disaster. Thanks to the constant community feedback wanting to discover more and more of such a novelty this game could arise again and I think that's beautiful.

      • Anonymous

        Does it happen to anyone that the invocation fails when they want to play with a friend in demons souls remake? The blue thing appears on the floor but upon confirmation it says: Error joining the session.

        • Anonymous

          I don't care to play the remake, but I don't hate it either. I just wish Sony also preserved the original. That way you could choose your prefered version.

          • Anonymous

            Disliking the many artistic changes in the remake isn't nostalgia. Everything subtle is now overstated. Remake fans, you aren't wrong to like it, but please: Enough of the "ur just nostalgic ):<<" drivel.

            • Anonymous

              Does anyone know who the original (true) director is? No matter where I search I can't find his name or anything about him at all, it's as if he was completely blotted out of existence.

              • Anonymous

                If you like the remake better then the OG, you will be downvoted, if you like the OG better then the remake, you will also be downvoted. Since no one can respect each other’s opinions anymore

                • Anonymous

                  Does anyone know if there is a group of Demon Souls players... To help with invasion trophies and item exchange?

                  Alguem sabe se existe algum grupo de jogadores de Demon Souls... Para ajudar com os trofeus de invasão e troca de itens?

                  • Anonymous

                    Honestly, I love the Demon's Souls Remake. Something about it just feels good. Or maybe I'm a masochist or something?

                    • Anonymous

                      this game is the proof of how souls games are evolved so good until the ds2 after ds2 they got downgraded cuz ds2 is peak and no other game can get close to it

                      • Anonymous

                        Hi, Something happened that I can't explain: I had white tendency on boletaria and tower of latria, then I die in the nexus to lose the human form cuz I knew it was the only way to not change the world tendency, But now I have neutral tendency I both of them. can someone explain?

                        • guys big announcement i finally completed 3-1! i can now progress in demons souls, ik ik im kind of the best demons souls gamer ever, thank me later

                          • Demon souls is the only souls game I havent finished yet. Its very atmoaspheric, enemy AI is even more random than ever and it feels like a very unfinished beta version of all dark souls games yet to come. It basically deserves the undeserved critique dark souls 2 gets. ^.^

                            • Swear to god the amount of times i've died in 3-1 is insane, they should make an even dark world tendency for the amount of times i've fallen of hole sin the ground, or died to those squids

                              • Anonymous

                                and sony lied to us. least here in the US and over in the UK, you actually DON'T get to stream demon's souls ps3 version on ps4.

                                it's listed in the classic catalogue on the ps+ part of the psn website but it is NOT listed ON ps4 in the classics OR streamable sections.

                                and i WOULD emulate it but there's a few snags to that plan.

                                1. the dev of rpcs3 is a hypocrite when it comes to emulation.
                                2. i would need to buy a legit copy of the game and rip it myself in order to emulate it (i may as well just buy the console with it at that point which defeats the purpose of emulating it in the first place).
                                3. if the dev's discord bot they use for scanning error logs detects you downloaded the game...NO TECH SUPPORT FOR YOU!

                                SO... great job, soyny. you've screwed at least 2 whole nations out of getting to play this game!

                                • Anonymous

                                  Hey everyone just need help getting pure white character tendency can anyone help me by invading me and letting me kill them a few times? Thank you very much!!

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I'm having problems using Blue Eye and Black Eye. Can anyone help with invader trophy and the a few invades so I can kill you for PWCT? I can help too. PSN is BenjiGilWil

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Does anyone have problems playing online? I centrum seem to be summon anyone and noone is summoning me. Im level 87 playing remake

                                      • Don't crack your head up with migrating to PWCT by killing 5 Black Phantoms across the 5 worlds, because it might take AGES. Killing all 5 will only push your CT from PW to Neutral or from Neutral to PB:
                                        In other words, migration from PBCT to PWCT requires 10(!) specific Black Phantoms to be killed, while only 5 are spawned during one NG.

                                        So if you (same as me), for example, have killed Ostrava to get the Mausoleum key (or because of other reasons have dropped your CT lower than Neutral), killing 5 Black Phantoms WILL NOT be enough to pull your CT back to PW.

                                        Instead of doing all of this, here is the Reddit thread:
                                        1. Create a post there, ask for "help with PWCT" and wait for anyone to agree to help.
                                        2. Launch the game but stay for a while to the main menu. At the "Network" settings tab select any server (region) that you think will be least populated. Each server will be marked with the nearest big town name. For example, select the server, which respective town local time is the deep night at the time you are doing this.
                                        3. At the same "Network" tab switch "password" to "ON" and set any easy password ("123edc").
                                        4. Go into the game in online mode.
                                        5. Prepare a few Stone of Ephemeral Eyes.
                                        5. Choose any Archstone you think will be least populated (for example, not "any-1"). No matter what -- be prepared to fight unwelcomed guests as soon as you have consumed the Stone of Ephemeral Eyes and so regained the human form.
                                        6. Warp to that Archstone.
                                        7. Tell the person who agreed to help you: World-Archstone number, server, and password.
                                        8. When he/she is ready -- consume the Stone of Ephemeral Eyes.
                                        9. Wait for that person to place the red summoning sign near that Archstone. So soon as you see the red summoning sign in the ground -- summon that person to you, wait for a while, kill when summoned.
                                        10. Repeat step #9 till you see your CT shift to PW (the icon on the left top side, it is being updated after each kill automatically, no need to warp anywhere else). Again, always be ready to fight back another player because they can invade you at any moment. Nothing serious if you die, just time spent for nothing (but if you win -- you get an increase to your CT towards PW).

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I’m happy for bluepoint becoming a member of PS but damn it they need to be allowed to patch the remake again, still so many little things that can be improved for the long term playability.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Just wanted to say thanks to everyone enloved in making this site. I am new to this game and the site has been a massive help.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Just to follow up from my earlier comment seen as I only highlighted the biggest negative, I’d say the best thing in the remake is combat. Feels absolutely amazing, the animations and weight to them are so on point that even the weapons that retained their original move sets like the long sword are so damn satisfying to use this time around.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Remake is solid for the most part. The worst aspect has been the voice acting. It’s far weaker than the original, even the characters who have retuning voice actors feel completely flat this time around. There are some examples that feel unfair to criticise like the Dregling Merchant because the original was so distinct it would be near impossible to do it justice but aside from examples like that the rest feel a lot worse than they should have been.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Why are there so many servers? The game is hard enough to get a chance to play because of the ps5 availability and the servers just split the online to the extreme right? Or is everyone still connected and I’m looking at it wrong? Seems like a drastic issue if you can only connect to people on the 1 of dozens of servers at a time

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    “Play has no limits”

                                                    Sony says as they follow it up with a launch title that has items limited to the deluxe edition. These fake hollow tag lines man they’re not even trying to be convincing at this stage it’s just a fixed part of the marketing at this point, easy stuff.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Wenn öffnet sich das Tor zu einem Boss? Leider öffnet sich bei mir das Tor zum ersten Boss nicht, obwohl ich alles Abkürzungen freigespielt habe

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Anyone else refuse to buy the deluxe edition? I could afford it that’s okay but I couldn’t bring myself to do it after so many years playing the souls series without those games having this kind of thing.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I gotta admit, I originally stopped looking for the ps5 in January and over the next few months I started to hate the “hardest thing is getting a ps5” meme because I assumed at this point it would be easy to buy and that people were dragging that meme trying to be funny when it was no longer relevant. Then I decided to go ahead and try buy a ps5 6 months later and holy **** it’s JUST as scarce today as it was at release. This pretty much means that Demon’s Souls hasn’t even reached its peak yet regardless of whether people like the online or not.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I wish bluepoint had taken the SotC route and left the music mostly untouched or I don’t know remastered it a bit to make it sound smoother to suit the new graphics etc. It’s no longer distinct from the other souls games which I think is a shame regardless of preference. At least it isn’t even close to the pure tragedy that was the ratchet and clank remake. DeS PS5 still acknowledges the existence of the original OST.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Demon's Souls is hardest game in the series. I cant even kill 1st enemy. Because I have no PS5 to play on.
                                                              Thank you scalpers.
                                                              Thank you Sony for not delaying PS5's release untill you will produce enough of them.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                It would have been so much better if they got rid of the sixth archstone from the nexus all together and placed Latria’s one in the top middle. Always feel that bit of sadness when I see the broken archstone knowing we’ll never get to see the content.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I’d just like to point out that playing the original on the ps3 without servers is really interesting because the loneliness enhances the bleak depressive state of the world. Latria prison with no player messages or spectres roaming around? Now that’s some serious sh*t let’s go.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Please help me to get Pure White Tendency in world 5. I accidently died in Human form :/ I need 1 invasion. Please, anyone?

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Good remake in general but it baffles me to see people in discussions say things like “it’s just for graphical improvements they don’t need to do anything else” etc. This is a launch title for the PS5, a game that’s supposed to encourage people to get the new console and aside from good quality of life improvements there was no AI improvement, no additional Archstone when the basic structure of the cut content is in the original files for Bluepoint to work off and expand on with their own imagination, no improvement to the online which is already dying out as a result and no post launch support after the first patch which created some issues of it’s own like the absence of souls gained during MP. I get that the graphics are incredible but is this really how low the majority’s expectations have gotten? Once the graphics are on point the gameplay can be far from perfect and get away with it? I know I’m being negative but I just have to be honest here.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        The original code makes it a remaster.
                                                                        The rebuilt world makes it a remake.
                                                                        The aesthetic change makes it a reimagining.

                                                                        If it could strictly be one, which would you choose?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Does the remake have the depth of field blur? Man that effect was one of the best things about 5-2 in the original because it added to the polluted look of the swamp and it was even easier to get lost in. Anybody?

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            FromSoft at their best. This game had the most memorable and brutal mechanics and npcs like world tendency and Mephistopheles. It’s unfortunate but the series popularity post Demon’s Souls was always going to have a huge impact on how strict and filtered the games would become over time. They’re all amazing and have their own stand out elements like DS1 world design, DS2 powerstancing + pvp, Bloodborne’s trick weapons and dungeon crawling etc but as a whole their less risky and much safer in design while DeS just does not care about rules and traditions. It’s the most interesting game of them all and I truly think all players should try to experience it in it’s entirety by going through all tendency events and npc quests in particular because there’s nothing like fighting the black world tendency phantoms and amped up additional enemies when you think you’ve already seen what the game has to offer. It also shows how difficult and unforgiving the game actually is as a whole if you’re willing to experience all of the optional and obscure stuff. It’s a one off gem of a game that had nothing to live up to when it originally came out. No shackles, nothing to lose and every reason to do whatever it wanted.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I wish the remake stuff was separate from the original here, I keep finding stuff on this site lite the sodden ring only to find out that it's remake only

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                For the few souls left still playing the original version or for those who have returned to it before they get a ps5 (myself included) the demon’s souls wikidot covers everything in the original game and we can use fextras for the remake

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  It was a bad idea to not include the 6th archstone. Their reasoning that it would tamper with the original vision of the game is very flawed because all of the redesigns have already done that and the 6th world was the perfect opportunity for BP to put their own mark on the game. It would have been a better decision in every way and I have to wonder if they planned to but Sony denied it to keep the full focus on graphics. It just doesn’t seem right to me

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I’d rather look at the remake as Bluepoint’s own take on the game rather than a faithful one as most people see it because the visuals, characters and music are so different whereas the gameplay is the only truly faithful part but I think that was out of fear rather than respect for the title. You can’t call it faithful as a whole when only one aspect of it remained the same. If you look at it this way it’s a lot easier not to get frustrated at the changes imo

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Can you guys separate the wiki for Demons Souls PS3 and Demons Souls PS5. A lot of concepts, factors, and details about the game do not apply to both.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        "No one wishes to go on"

                                                                                        The literal definition of whoever complains about the remake with their nostalgia googles.

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